
2016 USA Sieger Show in Indianapolis, Indiana USA

*** Vica vom Grunwald Haus placed 1ST in the Long Coat Female 18-24 months Class and was Best American Bred in this category. Das Awesome vom Grunwald Haus placed 2ND in the Male Long Coat 12-18 months Class only passed by 1 German-bred dog. Dassi is also Highest American Bred in his class. So just like in 2013 and 2015, Grunwald Haus achieved Highest American Bred Long Coat Male and Female Awards at this national event. ***

Name of dogCoat TypeClassPredPlaceJudge
Vica vom Grunwald HausLong CoatLSH Junghundklasse HundinnenSG1Dieter Oeser
Das Awesome vom Grunwald HausLong CoatLSH Jugendklasse RudenSG2Helmut Konig
Croma von Haus RuggieroStock CoatJugendklasse HundinnenSG6Dieter Oeser
Enzo vom Grunwald HausStock CoatJugendklasse RudenSG7Helmut Konig